Service Alert
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Login = q + Q-Card number (e.g. q123456)
Password: Your birth year (e.g. 1985)
Get free homework help from a live, online, qualified tutor—up to 10 free tutoring sessions each week! All you need is a login (q + Q-Card number) and an Internet connection.
English: Daily from 4 p.m. to midnight.
Spanish: Sunday to Thursday, 4 p.m.-10 p.m.
Closed: New Year's Day (January 1), Independence Day (July 4), Thanksgiving Day (November 26), and Christmas Day (December 25).
College students can get help in English or Spanish for their college level courses including English, Science, Math, History. Tutors are also available to assist with career services such as resume review, job searching and interview preparation. Now Nursing Students can get tutoring assistance with subjects like anatomy and physiology, microbiology, pathophysiology, pharmacology, psychology, medical/surgical nursing, nursing care plans and NCLEX test preparation. [Provided by Charlotte Mecklenburg Library]