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Queens University of Charlotte Archives & Special Collections

A guide to the Archives & Special Collections of Everett Library.

Plan Your Visit

All researchers who wish to work with physical, non-circulating Archives materials are strongly encouraged to make an appointment beforehand. Drop-in research assistance will be provided, if possible, but is not guaranteed.

To make an appointment, please fill out the Archives Appointment Request Form. Once you have submitted the form, an Library staff member will contact you to confirm your appointment.


On the day of your appointment:

  1. If parking on campus, park only in your assigned space (if one has been assigned to you) or in a public visitor space. Contact the Library before your appointment with any questions or concerns about parking.
  2. If you have not done already, you will be asked to complete the Archives User Agreement Form, which includes Reading Room rules and instructions for proper handling of materials.
  3. A Library staff member will direct you to the Archives Reading Room on the lower level of the Library unless other arrangements have been made. Wash your hands, either at the sink in the Reading Room or in the adjacent restroom, prior to handling materials to remove any oils or contaminants that could damage items.
  4. Bring only necessary items into the Archives Reading Room. You will be asked to place any coats, bags, and other prohibited items in storage during your visit. Storage lockers are provided within the reading room, but locker space is limited.
  5. A Library staff member will check in with you and provide support as needed throughout your visit. A limited amount of materials will be provided at one time. Once you have finished with one set of materials, you return them to a Library staff member and request more.
  6. Handle materials carefully. Use gloves or other tools if directed by a Library staff member. Keep materials in their original order and facing the same direction. Inform a staff member immediately if accidental damage to materials occurs.
  7. Do not remove materials from the Reading Room without explicit permission from a Library staff member. You may request photocopies from a staff member.
  8. If you exit the Reading Room for any reason during your visit, please wash your hands afterwards before continuing to work with materials.
  9. Please let a Library staff member know when you finish work in the Reading Room. Be sure to collect any stored belongings. Please let a staff member know if you would like to schedule a future Archives visit.