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QLC 320: Fairytales, Fantasy, and Folklore

Searching Tips

When searching a database for articles or topics, it is best to remember a few Key Points:

  • Spell out whatever key words you are looking for, abbreviations are often misunderstood by database search engines.
  • Remember to use the boolean operators AND, OR, and NOT to link your keywords together.  Avoid using other parts of speech (prepositions, adjectives, etc.) in your search string for better results.
  • Try lots of different combinations and synonyms for your topic.  Be persistent!

Useful Subject Terms for Fairy Tales, Legends, & Myths:

  • Children's Stories
  • Fables
  • Fairy Tales
  • Folklore
  • Legends
  • Mythology
  • Psycholoanalysis & Fairy Tales
  • Symbolism in Fairy Tales

Finding Articles on Myths, Legends, and Fairy Tales