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Research Companion

About the Modules

The Learning Modules are organized into easily digestible sections and are structured as nine commonly asked researcher questions which provide a foundation and context for finding, evaluating, and using information. The modules cover such topics as "Where do I start?" to "How do I avoid plagiarism and find my own voice?" to “What's the best way to revise?” They are delivered as a series of visually compelling and inventive videos, or in a full-text, readable format and are written in a conversational style that improves learning outcomes and maximizes retention.

Find Information

The first module is Finding Information which contain three sections of videos about how to start looking for information, choosing a topic, and where you find information. There are learning objectives for each module section that will explain what you will learn from each section after viewing the videos. Below you will find the videos that talk about how to find information. For video topics click on the menu on the top right of the video screen.

To download and view the videos in Google Chrome you may need to clear the cookies in the browser's settings. 

Evaluate Information

The second module is Evaluating Resources which contain two sections on how to evaluate resources and what counts as evidence. There are learning objectives for each module section that will explain what you will learn from each section after viewing the videos. Below you will find the videos that talk about how to find information. For video topics click on the menu on the top right of the video screen.

To download and view the videos in Google Chrome you may need to clear the cookies in the browser's settings. 

Use Information

The third module is Use Information which contain four sections on how to use information and how to write and revise your work. There are learning objectives for each module section that will explain what you will learn from each section after viewing the videos. Below you will find the videos that talk about how to find information. For video topics click on the menu on the top right of the video screen.

To download and view the videos in Google Chrome you may need to clear the cookies in the browser's settings.