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Information in OneSearch Results Items

Each item in a OneSearch results list contains useful information and options for you as a searcher.

The graphic below breaks down what each piece of information on a search result means:

OneSearch result with key pieces of information highlighted

Each piece of information is described below:

  1. Item title
  2. Authors (or creators)
  3. Publication title (usually an academic journal)
  4. Quick look button
    • This will open up a window that includes more details like the abstract, topics addressed (subject terms), and information about the publication
  5. Type of item
  6. Full Text Online link to access the article
  7. Options for saving the article:
    • Save it to your OneSearch library
    • Permanent link (Direct link you can access even after you've signed out)
    • Citation generator
    • Email link
  8. Indicator that an item is peer-reviewed

To get access to the full-text of the article, click either the "Full Text Online" or "PDF" links.

Accessing Items in OneSearch Results

To get access to the full-text of the article, click either the "Full Text Online" or "PDF" links:

OneSearch result with PDF and "Full Text Online" links highlighted

If we do not have direct access to an item, you may see this message:

Message stating "Sorry, this item is not available. Please use options below to get it:" with links to get an open access version, search Google Scholar, or request through Interlibrary Loan

Use the links to see if there is an open-access version of the article available online or a free version through Google Scholar.

If not, you can request the item through Interlibrary Loan.