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A guide to setting up and using Zotero for research

Creating a Bibliography

Creating a Bibliography in Your Word Processor

Zotero will create a bibliography (works cited, list of references) based on the citations you have included in your paper.

To crate a bibliography, in Word or Google Docs, click "Zotero" from the toolbar, and choose "Add/Edit Bibliography":

Zotero toolbar in  Word with "Add/Edit Bibliography" highlighted

Zotero toolbar in Google Docs with "Add/edit bibliography" highlighted

In LibreOffice, click the "Add/edit bibliography" icon from the main toolbar:

LibreOffice toolbar with Zotero option to "Add/Edit Bibliography" highlighted

Exporting Items From Zotero

You can also export a bibliography to add to a document directly from Zotero.

This method can be useful for presentations in formats other than a written document, like a PowerPoint presentation, or an annotated bibliography.

  1. Choose an item from your Zotero library. You can also select multiple items by using Shift + click or Control + click (Windows) or Command + click (Mac).
  2. Right-click the item(s)
  3. Choose "Create bibliography from item(s)"
  4. Item options screen in Zotero library with "Create bibliography from item" highlighted

  5. Choose the citation style
  6. Choose "Bibliography" as the output mode
  7. Choose "Copy to Clipboard" if you would like to add it to a document.
  8. Create Citation/Bibliography menu on Zotero showing options to choose citation style, output mode, and output method

  9. Click OK
  10. Paste the list of references into your document