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Assistive Tech - Read&Write & OrbitNote

This guide contains instructions for how to download and use Read&Write screen reader and OrbitNote PDF reader.

Read&Write Web Toolbar Diagram


Tip Sheet: Accessing Read and Write for Google Chrome | York Region  District School Board

A Closer Look at Read&Write's Key Features

Explore Each Key Feature and/or watch a demo video!


Provides word suggestions as you type inside of Typewriter Annotations. Click the icon and it will turn red, indicating the feature is on. Hover over word suggestions to hear aloud. 

Prediction Overview - YouTube (1:40)

Hover Speech

Hover Speech Web reads text on websites in Chrome without highlighting, simply hover over the text you'd like to read. Talking Dictionary Google Docs Google Slides Web Provides definitions to improve comprehension and writing. Definitions can even be read aloud. 

Hover Speech Overview - YouTube (1:01)


Provides definitions to improve comprehension and writing. Definitions can even be read aloud. Highlight a word and click the icon. Click the Play button next to each definition to have it read aloud. 

Dictionary Overview - YouTube (1:00)

Picture Dictionary

Displays images from Widgit® Symbols to help support fluency and understanding. 

Picture Dictionary Overview - YouTube (1:00)

Text to Speech - Play/Pause/Stop

Play: Read selection aloud. Voices can be changed in settings. 

Pause: Pause reading

Stop: Stop reading

Text to Speech Overview - YouTube (1:34)

Screenshot Reader

Reads selected text aloud. 

Screenshot Reader Overview - YouTube (1:03)

Audio Maker

Creates an audio file of selected text.

Audio Maker Overview - YouTube (0:41)

Redirects you to the web for searching up topics.

 Web Search Overview - YouTube (0:40)

Screen Masking

Allows you to 'mask' out areas of your screen and underline the mouse pointer. 

Screen Masking Overview - YouTube (0:51)

Talk and Type

Reads any text aloud with dual color highlighting and natural-sounding voices. Highlight some text, and click the Play button. 

Talk and Type Overview - YouTube (0:53)


Text can be translated to and from over 50 different languages. 


Translator Overview - YouTube (1:21)

Highlight (Yellow, Pink, Green, Blue)

Allows users to highlight and color code sections of text on a page, to facilitate summarizing, categorizing and higher order skills. 


Highlight Overview - YouTube (0:58)

Clear Highlights

Clear highlights from a page when you are done with them, by selecting highlights and clicking the icon. 

Highlights Overview - YouTube (0:58)

Collect Highlights

Collects your highlights into a new Google Doc. Click on icon and select which colors to collect, as well as how to sort them. 


Highlights Overview - YouTube (0:58)

Vocabulary List

Builds vocabulary lists in a Google Doc, including selected words, dictionary definitions, images from Widgit Symbols, and an editable notes column. Use colored highlighters to select words, then click icon to create vocabulary list in new Google Doc. 


Vocabulary Overview - YouTube (1:01)

Simplify Page

Removes clutter from web pages and places the simplified text into a new tab. Use the + and - icons to change the amount of text displayed. Contrast controls are also available. 

Simplify Page Overview - YouTube (1:24)


Simplifies the readability of text without changing the meaning. Rewordify helps students to learn more words faster and it helps to improve learning outcomes and save time for teachers.

Rewordify Overview - YouTube (1:39)

Practice Reading Aloud

Allows students to practice reading any content aloud. 

Practice Reading Aloud Overview - YouTube (1:37)