Each online book contains historical and cultural background information on the country it covers. Formerly known as the Area Handbooks from the Department of the Army
Full text of UNDP Human Development Reports, from 1990 to the next to most current year, plus national Human Development Reports and an excellent statistics section on industrialized and developing countries.
A one-stop-shop for information on progress towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), globally and at the country level. Statistics and project progress information are available by country and by goal.
The SIPRI Military Expenditure Database consistent time series on the military spending of 171 countries since 1988. Searchable and downloadable in Excel.
Provides direct access to official documents reflecting the views of United Nations Member States by bringing together in one place documents available elsewhere
United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) statistical institute website. Includes statistical data sets of world education and literacy indicators, and selected data from the UNESCO Statistical Yearbook.
International statistics in agriculture, food production, trade, forest products, fisheries, and more. From the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
ILO's database on labor statistics, offering annual data from 1979 to present for variables such as employment/unemployment, earnings/wages, strikes, and more.