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Everett Library Home: Home

Everett Library of Queens University of Charlotte

Everett Library will be closed Friday, January 10 due to winter weather.

We will open Saturday at 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm.


 Ebsco has updated their search platform. 

The tutorials below provide guidance on using the updated platform.

Introduction to the new Ebscohost - Tutorial

The New Ebscohost QEuick Start Guide

Fiction and Romance collections

Homegrown eBooks

A collection of more than 5,400 eBooks from a variety of North Carolina publishers. Includes popular and scholarly nonfiction, novels by well-known NC authors, and award-winning short fiction and poetry.

Research 101: An Introduction to Academic Research

Image designed by Aleks Dorohovich

e-Books, Audiobooks, and Streaming Music and Video

Image designed by FreePik