Service Alert
Everett Library subscribes to many eBook collections. Search them by using the search box below.
For more popular titles, try Overdrive, the Libby app (which works with Overdrive), and hoopla.
Students and faculty will need to create an account inside the ebook platform to download the ebooks. This account needs to be created by the student. You can use your queens email and will have access to this account as long as you are affiliated with Queens.
Proquest ebook central requires patrons to create an account when off campus to view the ebook. This is also an account that students need to create with their own email and password. Here is a libguide for help with proquest ebook access.
Please contact the helpdesk or email a librarian with any questions.
You have access to Overdrive, the Libby app (which works with Overdrive), and hoopla from our partnership with Charlotte Mecklenburg Library.
The Library provides access to several different streaming video resources. Each one has its own collection.