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eBooks, Audiobooks, & Streaming Media

A guide that has the collections of eContent for the Everett Library.

How to Download EBSCO eBooks

How to Download EBSCO eBooks on a Desktop

These steps will enable you to download an eBook onto a desktop computer to read without an internet connection.


Accessing eBooks from the Everett Library website

  • Find the eBook you would like to access in the Everett Library search platform.

Everett Library homepage with search box highlighted


  • Once you've found the eBook, click the item's link.


  • Click "Read Online".

eBook item showing "Read Book Online" link


  • If you are not on Queens Wi-Fi, you will need to authenticate with your Queens username and password.

Queens University authentication page


  • After authenticating, you can choose to read online or to download the eBook to access it offline.

EBSCO eBook page with options for PDF Full Text and Full Download highlighted


  • To read online, click "PDF Full Text".


Downloading eBooks to read offline

  • To download onto a device to read offline, you will need the following, which we will walk you through in the next steps:
    • EBSCO account (free)
    • Adobe Digital Editions (free)


Using an EBSCO Account
  • Click "Full Download".
  • Click "Sign In / Create Account".

EBSCO Download eBook Sign In alert


  • Signing into your EBSCO account:
    • If you have an account, sign in.
    • If you don't have an account, click "Sign Up"
      • Enter your information. (The email doesn’t have to be your Queens email)
      • Create Account

EBSCO sign-in page


Downloading Adobe Digital Editions
  • Once you have signed into your EBSCO account and returned to the eBook item page, click "Adobe Digital Editions".

eBook item page with "Adobe Digital Editions" link highlighted


  • Click the download link for your operating system (Macintosh or Windows)

Adobe Digital Editions download page with links for Macintosh and Windows operating systems highlighted


  • Open the Adobe Digital Editions Installer file in your downloads folder
  • Follow the prompts to install the program.
    • (You don’t need to agree to the 30 day free trial of Norton Security Deluxe)
  • Go back to the EBSCO link to download the eBook.
  • Check the box for “I have Adobe Digital Editions or equivalent installed.*”
  • Click Full Download

eBook download page with the box for “I have Adobe Digital Editions or equivalent installed" checked


  • Open the .acsm file in your Downloads folder.
    • If asked, choose to open the file with Adobe Digital Editions
    • If the .acsm file will not open in Adobe Digital Editions, go to Adobe Digital Editions
      • Click File > Add to Library
      • Choose the eBook file (.acsm) from your Downloads folder
  • The program will ask you to authorize your computer. 
    • You don’t need to use an Adobe account, but doing so will allow you to access the eBook from multiple devices at the same time
      • If you have an Adobe account, you can sign in
      • If you don’t have an Adobe account, you can create one
    • If you don’t want to use an Adobe account, check “I want to authorize my computer without an ID.”

Adobe Digital Editions "Authorize Computer" screen with option to proceed without an account highlighted


  • Click "Authorize".
  • Follow the prompts to finish the authorization process.
  • The eBook will open automatically.
  • You can access this eBook and others you download from the Library in Adobe Digital Editions.

How to Download EBSCO eBooks on a Mobile Device

These steps will enable you to download eBooks onto a mobile device so you can read them without an internet connection.


Accessing eBooks from the Everett Library website

  • Find the eBook you would like to access in the Everett Library search platform.

Everett Library homepage with search box highlighted


  • Once you've found the eBook, click the item's link.

Everett Library search results page with item link highlighted


  • Click "Read Online".

Everett Library result page with button to read online


  • If you are not on Queens Wi-Fi, you will need to authenticate with your Queens username and password.

Queens University authentication page


  • After authenticating, you can choose to read online or to download the eBook to access it offline.
  • To read online, scroll down to the table of contents
  • Click a link to begin.

Bottom of eBook page with table of contents highlighted


Downloading eBooks to read offline

  • To download onto a device to read offline, you will need the following, which we will walk you through in the next steps:
    • EBSCO account (free)
    • Adobe Digital Editions (free)
    • Adobe ID (free)
Using an EBSCO Account
  • Click the arrow button on the left.

eBook item page with arrow button highlighted


  • Click "Full Download".

eBook item page with Full Download link highlighted


  • Click "Sign In / Create Account".

EBSCO Download eBook Sign In alert


  • Signing into your EBSCO account:
    • If you have an account, sign in.
    • If you don't have an account, click "Sign Up"
      • Enter your information. (The email doesn’t have to be your Queens email)
      • Create Account

EBSCO sign-in page


Downloading Adobe Digital Editions
  • Once you have signed into your EBSCO account and returned to the eBook item page, click "Adobe Digital Editions".

Download eBook screen with Adobe Digital Editions download link highlighted


  • Open Adobe Digital Editions in your device's app store.
  • Download the Adobe Digital Editions app.
  • Open the Adobe Digital Editions app.
  • Click the menu icon on the top left of the screen.
  • Go to Settings.
  • Click Authorize.

Authorize screen on the Adobe Digital Editions app


  • If you have an Adobe ID, you can sign in here
  • If you do not have an Adobe ID, click Create Adobe ID
  • Enter your email address
    • If you use your Queens email, it may ask if you want to sign in with your organization, but this process won’t work for the mobile app

Create an Adobe account page showing option to sign in with your organization


  • Create a password
  • Once you have created an Adobe ID, go back to the Adobe Digital Editions app > Settings > Authorize
  • Enter the email and password you just created for your Adobe ID, and click Authorize
Downloading the eBook
  • Go back to the EBSCO link to download the eBook.
  • Choose the "EPUB" version.
  • Check the box for “I have Adobe Digital Editions or equivalent installed.*”

eBook download screen with options for "EPUB" and “I have Adobe Digital Editions or equivalent installed” highlighted


  • Click "Full Download".
  • Click "Download".

Mobile eBook download confirmation screen

  • Open the Downloads folder on your device.

Download confirmation screen with button to access downloads highlighted


  • Click "Downloads".
  • Click the file for the eBook you just downloaded.

Mobile downloads folder with file highlighted


  • Click the dropdown arrow on the next screen.

Mobile download detail with dropdown arrow highlighted


  • Click the button for sharing options on the next screen.

Mobile downloads detail page with the sharing options button highlighted


  • Scroll to find the "Adobe Digital Editions" app, and choose this.

Mobile sharing options screen with Adobe Digital Editions app highlighted


  • This will open the eBook in the Adobe Digital Editions app.
  • You can access this and any other eBooks you download through the Library in the Adobe Digital Editions app.

Adobe Digital Editions library page displaying the eBook just downloaded​​​​​​​