How to Download EBSCO eBooks on a Mobile Device
These steps will enable you to download eBooks onto a mobile device so you can read them without an internet connection.
Accessing eBooks from the Everett Library website
- Find the eBook you would like to access in the Everett Library search platform.
- Once you've found the eBook, click the item's link.
- If you are not on Queens Wi-Fi, you will need to authenticate with your Queens username and password.
- After authenticating, you can choose to read online or to download the eBook to access it offline.
- To read online, scroll down to the table of contents
- Click a link to begin.
Downloading eBooks to read offline
- To download onto a device to read offline, you will need the following, which we will walk you through in the next steps:
- EBSCO account (free)
- Adobe Digital Editions (free)
- Adobe ID (free)
Using an EBSCO Account
- Click the arrow button on the left.
- Click "Sign In / Create Account".
- Signing into your EBSCO account:
- If you have an account, sign in.
- If you don't have an account, click "Sign Up"
- Enter your information. (The email doesn’t have to be your Queens email)
- Create Account
Downloading Adobe Digital Editions
- Once you have signed into your EBSCO account and returned to the eBook item page, click "Adobe Digital Editions".
- Open Adobe Digital Editions in your device's app store.
- Download the Adobe Digital Editions app.
- Open the Adobe Digital Editions app.
- Click the menu icon on the top left of the screen.
- Go to Settings.
- Click Authorize.
- If you have an Adobe ID, you can sign in here
- If you do not have an Adobe ID, click Create Adobe ID
- Enter your email address
- If you use your Queens email, it may ask if you want to sign in with your organization, but this process won’t work for the mobile app
- Create a password
- Once you have created an Adobe ID, go back to the Adobe Digital Editions app > Settings > Authorize
- Enter the email and password you just created for your Adobe ID, and click Authorize
Downloading the eBook
- Go back to the EBSCO link to download the eBook.
- Choose the "EPUB" version.
- Check the box for “I have Adobe Digital Editions or equivalent installed.*”
- Click "Full Download".
- Click "Download".
- Open the Downloads folder on your device.
- Click "Downloads".
- Click the file for the eBook you just downloaded.
- Click the dropdown arrow on the next screen.
- Click the button for sharing options on the next screen.
- Scroll to find the "Adobe Digital Editions" app, and choose this.
- This will open the eBook in the Adobe Digital Editions app.
- You can access this and any other eBooks you download through the Library in the Adobe Digital Editions app.