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Library 101

Using the Library's OneSearch


Sometimes you want to search across all of the different types of materials that the Library has. OneSearch allows you to do that, covering articles, books, and videos all in one place!

Finding Other Library Sources

Specialized Databases

Other times, you will want to search for resources such as scholarly articles, eBooks, and news articles by using research databases purchased by the Library. 



Find the Everett Library's research databases by clicking on "Specialized Databases" in the middle of the library's homepage.

All databases are listed alphabetically.  You can also use the dropdown menus to find databases by subject or type.


Google Scholar

Google Scholar vs. Google: Google Scholar has scholarly articles and organizes them according to the relevance to your search. Google has mostly popular sources, and they're organized according to their popularity.

Google Scholar allows you to limit by date published. It also gives you the citation for the article and how many times other scholars have cited the article. Make sure to look for the PDF file for the article itself.

Useful Terms

Periodicals: Publications that come out on a regular schedule, like journals, magazines, or newspapers

Scholarly Journal: A periodical containing articles written by and for scholars; almost always peer reviewed

Peer Review: A pre-publication process in which scholars review each other's work to improve its quality (usually anonymously)

Primary Source: Original information used in analysis

Secondary Source: A source that analyzes or interprets a primary source and is typically used in support of an argument

Authoritative: A way of describing sources whose accuracy can be trusted; scholarly journal articles and books tend to be highly authoritative.

One Perfect Source?

"One Perfect Source?" by Anne Burke, Jennifer Garrett, Daria Dorafshar, David Tully, Glenn Billups, Andreas Orphanides, and Kim Duckett is licensed by CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 US