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Where to Do Background Research


You're probably familiar with Wikipedia, the largest reference source in human history. Wikipedia is a powerful research tool because of its breadth and up-to-date information. 

Wikipedia has been criticized for inaccuracies and bias, but multiple studies have shown that the quality of most articles on the site is comparable to that of other commercial encyclopedias. However, this doesn't mean that you can do effective research by just using this one source.

Use Wikipedia as a starting point for research to help you get a baseline understanding of a topic and figure out where to go next. And always evaluate Wikipedia articles for credibility.

Wikipedia is probably the best tool for background research for very recent or niche topics, but there are other great sources for background research for more established and widely-known topics, such as Credo Reference, described below:

Credo Reference

Everett Library subscribes to this effective tool for exploring topics. Credo Reference hosts a collection of encyclopedias and dictionaries from academic publishers, images and video, and pro/con lists for various topics.

Many search results also feature a word map to enable you to explore related topics.

You can search for specific topics or browse by discipline.

Credo Reference search results for Toni Morrison showing encyclopedia articles, a word map, and options for filtering results

How to Do Background Research

Explore your curiosity

Depending on the nature of your assignment, you may have many options for what topic to research. Doing background research is how you figure out what's most interesting to you. Choosing a topic you're interested in will make the research process more enjoyable and lead to stronger work.

Take notes

Take notes as you learn more about your topic. Some things to keep track of include:

  • What sources you consult
    • Their key points, areas of disagreement
  • Keywords, related topics to explore
  • What questions you have

These notes will help keep you focused as you do your research and save time by keeping your research organized.

Make a plan

As you learn more about a topic, make a plan for how you want to approach it in your project. Consider things like:

  • Gaps in understanding about the topic
    • This could be areas that you need to learn more about or areas where there's little existing research
  • Arguments you might make
    • Always evaluate evidence before coming to conclusions, but think about what points you might want to focus on
  • What sources you might consult
    • Be sure to note references from Wikipedia articles or other things you may need to look up