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Everett Library of Queens University of Charlotte

The interlibrary loan system is not loading from the databases. You should be able to go the library services tab above, and then the interlibrary loan tab to submit a request. Please contact the help desk, via chat, email at or phone 704-337-2401,  with any questions.  

 Ebsco has updated their search platform. 

The tutorials below provide guidance on using the updated platform.

Introduction to the new Ebscohost - Tutorial

The New Ebscohost QEuick Start Guide

Nursing Current Concepts and Practices Collection

Nursing: Current Concepts and Practices Collection

Films on Demand provides streaming video and now includes the new Nursing: Current Concepts and Practices Collection. See the new title list here, and access the database with the link from the image.

AM Explorer: Liberal Arts Your Primary Source Hub TRIAL

Welcome to AM's search, your gateway to millions of pages of primary source content. AM’s collections provide access to digitised historical materials – manuscripts, government records, rare books, maps and more – across a wide range of disciplines, from History to English Literature, Gender Studies, Sociology, Economics, Area Studies, Political Sciences and more. We have a trial of this resource until May 15, 2025

Fiction and Romance collections

Homegrown eBooks

A collection of more than 5,400 eBooks from a variety of North Carolina publishers. Includes popular and scholarly nonfiction, novels by well-known NC authors, and award-winning short fiction and poetry.

Read & Write

Help students study smarter with Read & Write technology. 

Read&Write is a literacy support tool that offers help with everyday tasks like reading text out loud, understanding unfamiliar words, researching assignments and proofing written work.

Research 101: An Introduction to Academic Research

Image designed by Aleks Dorohovich

e-Books, Audiobooks, and Streaming Music and Video

Image designed by FreePik