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Open Educational Resources

A guide to help faculty find and use Open Educational Resources.

Resources Related to OER

The following resources do not necessarily have all of the 5 R's of open educational resources. However, they are generally freely available resources to use as an alternative to costly textbooks or subscription materials:

  • Open Research Library
    • Collection of over 14,000 peer-reviewed open-access scholarly monographs on a variety of subjects
    • Hosted on the BiblioBoard platform
  • Directory of Open Access Books
    • Run by OAPEN, a nonprofit based in the Netherlands out of the National Library in The Hague, and governed by representatives from various universities
    • A curated collection of over 76,000 open-access peer-reviewed scholarly books
  • Directory of Open Access Journals
    • A searchable global database of freely available peer-reviewed scholarly journals across broad disciplines
    • Independent nonprofit governed by representatives from universities across the globe