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For Faculty

A guide for Everett Library services for Queens faculty

Research & Publication

A core part of the Everett Library's mission is to support faculty research. We are committed to helping faculty conduct and publish research in the following ways:

  • Identify high-impact journals in which to publish
  • Identify and avoid predatory journals
  • Help find and access materials
  • Help manage sources and citations

We also encourage faculty to seek guidance from the Center for the Advancement of Faculty Excellence (CAFE) about conducting research.

Choose Where to Publish Your Research

Finding Quality Outlets for Publication

There are many platforms and ways to rank journals based on prestige and impact. While platforms and methods are flawed, they can still be helpful to decide where to publish your research.

We recommend Yale University Library's guide, Choosing a Journal for Publication of an Article, for a thorough treatment of finding journals, calculating impact, and other topics related to publishing your research.

(Note: some of the resources listed in Yale's guide are subscription-based, but many of them are freely available)

Avoiding Predatory Journals

One major risk in publishing research is falling victim to predatory journals. While there is no one agreed-upon definition of a predatory journal, Shamseer et al (2017) define predatory journals as those that “actively solicit manuscripts and charge publication fees without providing robust peer review and editorial services.”

Additionally, Cobey et al (2018) describe several factors that indicate a publisher may not meet standards for publishing quality research with robust editorial and peer review processes:

  • Lack of transparency and integrity in publisher operations
  • Lack of transparent, consistent, and rigorous standards for editorial and peer review
  • Agressive techniques for soliciting papers for publication
  • Lack of transparency for article processing charges
  • Lack of rigor and consistency for disseminating, indexing, and/or archiving papers

Think, Check, Submit

One tool you can use to ensure that your research is published by reputable publishers it Think, Check, Submit, which provides a checklist to help determine whether a given publisher is a good outlet for your research.

Find & Access Materials

Library Resources

The library has a wealth of subscriptions and materials for you to use for your own research, which you can learn more about on our Finding Materials page.

External Resources

Additionally, the library can help you use free external resources to conduct your research, including:

Manage Sources & Citations

If you're not using a citation manager, we highly recommend trying one. They can help you:

  • Store & organize research
  • Automatically generate in-text citations and references
  • Tag and add notes to sources

Check out our guide to 2 commonly used citation managers: Zotero and Mendeley.