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Student Employee Training

The purpose of this guide is to inform student workers of their duties and responsibilities as library assistants

Let's Cover Some Basics: What Exactly Is A Library Assistant?

Person shelving books in a library


A library assistant helps patrons (library users) navigate the library and library website/catalog in order to find the information or service they need.  This could include directing them to the bathroom, helping them check out a book, showing them how to use the printer, informing them of the various services the library offers, or putting them in touch with a librarian if they have a more in-depth research question.

In short, library assistants are a patron's first point of contact when entering the library.  It is your responsibility to make sure every patron feels welcome and comfortable navigating the library.

Below is an overview of the expectations for this job.  They will be covered in detail as you work through the tabs at the top of the page.

Student Employee Expectations:

  • Arrive on time for your scheduled shift.
  • If you are unable to make it to your scheduled shift due to illness or conflict, notify the librarians immediately (if at all possible, 2 hours in advance).
  • Remain at your post for the entirety of your shift, unless otherwise arranged with a librarian.
  • Be welcoming, hospitable, and helpful to all library patrons.  This could include helping them find books, online articles, printing, or technological troubleshooting.
  • Look up and greet anyone entering the library.
  • Remain aware of your surroundings and sensitive to the needs of patrons, so that you can offer to help someone before they even ask.
  • Every shift you should make sure Koha is logged in in your own name, monitor the Everett Library email account and PureChat, and assist patrons with checking books in and out.
  • Chat with your friends if they come to visit you while you’re working, but do not allow them to sit with you at the front desk or distract you from your duties.  Do not spend more than 10 minutes chatting with friends while on duty (or this will count as a break and you will not be paid for this time).