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Student Employee Training

The purpose of this guide is to inform student workers of their duties and responsibilities as library assistants

Maintaining Patron Privacy

Book and privacy icons


Everett Library protects the privacy of library records and the confidentiality of patron use of the library.  In addition, the Everett Library supports the principle of freedom of inquiry for library patrons, and has adopted this policy to protect against the unwarranted invasion of the personal privacy of library users.

Patron privacy is vital in building trust between the library and its users.


As a Student Library Assistant you are not at liberty to divulge any of the following information to anyone (except Everett Library Librarians):

1. A patron's borrowing history, such as what books they have checked out currently or in the past, what searches they have conducted on our databases, or any inter-library loan requests they may have made.

2. A patron's personal information or personal identifiers such as names, birthdates, addresses, gender, race, age, etc.

3. A patron's overdue or library fine history.

NC Law Regarding Patron Privacy

§ 125-19.  Confidentiality of library user records.

(a)        Disclosure. - A library shall not disclose any library record that identifies a person as having requested or obtained specific materials, information, or services, or as otherwise having used the library, except as provided for in subsection (b).

(b)     Exceptions - Library records may be disclosed in the following instances:

(1)        When necessary for the reasonable operation of the library;

(2)        Upon written consent of the user; or

(3)        Pursuant to subpoena, court order, or where otherwise required by law. (1985, c. 486, s. 2.)

What to Say if Someone Asks You for Another Patron's Information:

"I'm sorry but I am not at liberty to divulge that information.  Is there anything else I can help you with?"