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Student Employee Training

The purpose of this guide is to inform student workers of their duties and responsibilities as library assistants

How to Check In Laptops

Student workers are not allowed to check laptops out to patrons.  Only Librarians can do this, so laptop checkout will not be available on the weekends. However, advanced student workers can check the laptops back in when needed.

If you need to check in a laptop and no librarian is present to help you, follow the steps below.

  1. Retrieve the keys to the black cabinets next to the printer.  The keys are labeled “Right Laptop Cab.” (#013) and “Left Laptop Cab.” (#040).  They are in the blue lockbox next to the employee bathroom (see librarian for code).
  2. In the right cabinet, locate the folder labeled “Laptop & Hotspot Agreements” and find the person’s contract (they are alphabetized by last name).
  3. Make sure the laptop they are returning has the same number on it as listed on the contract and that they are also returning the accompanying charger.
  4. On the contract, write your initials in the “Returned:” space and whatever the date is. Have the student sign it and then sign it yourself.
  5. Then either make a copy of the returned contract for the person to keep or have them take a photo of it for their records.
  6. Put the returned contract in the folder labeled “Returned Laptop Contracts.”
  7. Then check in the laptop and charger on Koha.
  8. Place the laptop and cord in the left cabinet.
  9. Make sure both cabinets are locked and replace keys in the blue lockbox.