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Student Employee Training

The purpose of this guide is to inform student workers of their duties and responsibilities as library assistants

How to Use Koha

Koha Integrated Library System logo

Koha is Everett Library's circulation platform.  This means that this is the platform we use to monitor which books/items have been checked in or out and to which patrons.  Each student worker library assistant should be given their own individual username and password to log in to Koha. When checking items in or out for customers it is important that you are logged in as yourself.

View the short video tutorials below to learn how to complete basic circulation requests in Koha.

Checking Items OUT

To check out books we use Koha. Go to the "search patron" tab or the "checkout" tab and enter the student ID number. Then scan the bar code of the item. If the student or patron does not know their ID number, go to "search patrons", and you can search by their name. When you get to the patron information, go to check out, and scan the Everett Library bar code. The due date will show on the computer screen. Please tell patrons when the book is due and that they will receive an email when the item is due. They can respond to this email or come back to the library to request a renewal. 

Checking Items IN

How to Renew Items

Note on Extending/Overriding a Due Date

If a patron (usually only faculty members) wants to extend their due date past the one listed in the Koha system for that item, alert a librarian and they can override the automatic due date.