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Student Employee Training

The purpose of this guide is to inform student workers of their duties and responsibilities as library assistants

Answering the Phone

The Importance of Telephone Etiquette

Tips for Great Telephone Etiquette:

Always greet your caller with...

"Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening,  Everett Library, this is (your name), how may I help you?"

  • Smile--try saying the introduction with a smile and without one. You can hear the difference in your voice, even without being able to see the other person.
  • Be polite and courteous.
  • Repeat caller's question for clarification and provide an answer.
  • Always be polite--"please," "thank you," and "I am sorry."
  • When the caller is speaking, listen to what he or she has to say without interruptions. 
  • If transferring a call, let the caller know before transferring the call. Tell caller, "in the event there is a disconnection, here is the number to reach Mr./Mrs. (name)" and give their extension.

Suggested Responses


A person is unavailable

  • (Person's name) is away from her/his desk. May I take a message or is there something I can do to assist you?
  • (Person's name) is not in his/her office at the moment but he/she is in the building. May I take a message?
  • (Person's name) is out of the office today. Is there something I can help you with?



  • I don't know! (We can always find out)
  • He/She is not here.
  • They left and I don't have a clue where they are.

How to Transfer A Call

When you receive an incoming call and need to transfer it to someone else in the building...

1) Press "Transfer"

2) Type the last 4 digits of the phone number of the person you want to transfer to

3) Press "Send"

4) Wait for the person you're transferring to to pick up and explain that you're transferring a call to them

5) Press "Transfer" again