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Student Employee Training

The purpose of this guide is to inform student workers of their duties and responsibilities as library assistants

What Should I Wear to Work?

Clothes hanger icon

The Library is a casual working environment.  Our daily tasks may require hauling or shelving books, moving furniture, or pushing book carts.  You will often see the professional librarians wearing tennis shoes, t-shirts, or even denim.  That said, there are a few guidelines on dress that are recommended. See the library assistant dress code below.

Dress Code

In order to maintain a professional environment all Everett Library student workers are expected to abide by the following dress code:

  • Please refrain from wearing gym clothes to work, meaning no yoga or sweat pants, sports bras (without a shirt to cover it), and no running shorts.
  • Please refrain from wearing anything that reveals the midriff (crop tops, cutout shirts/dresses, etc.).
  • Please refrain from wearing clothes with large holes in them, even if the clothing was designed that way (ripped jeans, t-shirts with holes, etc.).
  • Please refrain from wearing hats indoors (any religious head coverings are exempt from this rule).