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Student Employee Training

The purpose of this guide is to inform student workers of their duties and responsibilities as library assistants

Severe Weather

Hurricane icon

It is fairly common for the weather service to issue severe storm and tornado/hurricane warnings/watches in North Carolina.  In the event this occurs while you are working in the library, it is important that you know what each warning/watch means, and how to direct patrons to safety.


Flash Flood Warning/Watch - Conditions are favorable for flash flooding or urban flooding in and close to the watch area within the next 36 hours. 

Tornado Watch - Conditions are favorable for the development of severe thunderstorms and tornadoes in and close to the watch area. 

Tornado Warning - Strong rotation in a thunderstorm has been indicated by Doppler weather radar or a tornado has been sighted by spotters or other persons (such as local law enforcement). 

Shelter in Place/Seek Shelter - Shelter-in-place is generally appropriate when conditions, such as a release of a hazardous material, severe thunderstorms, or a tornado, or an active threat to life, require you to seek immediate protection indoors while at home, work, school, or other location. Stay inside the building away from windows and power sources.

Severe Thunderstorm Warning - A severe thunderstorm is indicated by Doppler weather radar or sighted by spotters or other persons, such as local law enforcement. A severe thunderstorm contains large damaging hail of 1 inch (2.5 cm) in diameter or larger, and/or damaging winds of 58 mph (93 km/h) or greater. 

Winter Weather/storm Warning - a hazardous weather statement issued by Weather Forecast Offices of the National Weather Service in the United States to alert the public that a winter storm is occurring or is about to occur in the area, usually within 36 hours of the storm's onset.

Winter Weather Advisory - issued for any amount of freezing rain, or when 2 to 4 inches of snow (alone or in combination with sleet and freezing rain), is expected to cause a significant inconvenience, but not serious enough to warrant a warning.

Recommended Shelter within Library

In case of severe thunderstorm, hurricane, or tornado warnings/watches, library staff should direct all patrons to remain inside the library and away from doors and windows.  It may also become necessary to move all occupants to the basement floor for their own protection, as this area is below ground and free of glass windows.

Stay inside the building away from windows and power sources.